Friday, August 2, 2013

What's on the needles?

This is the beginning of a shawlette called Hitchhiker because when it is completed it will have 42 points.  I have not finished my socks because I am at the gusset and needed some YouTube help and there was a problem with the sound.  Reading lips while trying to follow a video tutorial with needles in hand makes it hard to stay engaged. Besides, I really needed something fairly mindless for the train and for our Knit Lit Night on the 14th,

An easy pattern, just the occasional purl and some Kfb stitches and the rest is just knit, knit, knit!  You can see how each row is longer than the one before.  I have six points done and by the time I get to the 42nd point there will be many stitches on the needles.  Many.  The odd thing about this pattern is that you never count those stitches.  The pattern also calls for variegated yarn and I am using yarn I had on hand.  Gasp!  It's not wool but so far it feels like it will work out.  The color changes will be less blocky as the rows get longer. 

The socks look pretty good although at this point they look a bit like mittens.

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