Thursday, August 15, 2013

An Enrichment Night

Another fabulous evening in the GTA (great train adventure) series!  Sherise had discovered this opportunity for learning and this is the first time we have tried them out.  It was great!

 It's two guys who set up a variety of classes to enlighten those who participate.  Classes as diverse as caligraphy, canning, bookbinding and learning about jazz.  Last night's class invitation was called Hops To It:

The logistics were a bit of a concern as the class was up in Salt Lake but mostly because it didn't start until 8 and went until 9:30.  Trains run less frequently after rush hour.  We took the 4:50 train and then the Trax and got off at Old Greek Town.  Walked a few blocks to Tony Caputo's deli and had some very good sandwiches and then walked another few blocks to Granary Row where the class was held.  This was all very close to The Gateway and when we left we decided not to get on at the Old Greek Town stop because it is located pretty much next to a homeless shelter for men and at night that was a tad creepy for us so we walked north to the The Gateway stop where there were still many shoppers as well as visitors to the Planetarium and Megaplex movies.  Totally uneventful and totally pleasant traveling.

There were fifteen people in the class and it was just the right amount to allow for plenty of questions.  We are excited to try this but honestly the bottle caps you use are just plain old grey colored and certainly we could do better than that!

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