Thursday, July 10, 2014

"She was such a good sport"

said Min's half sister about Min's first experience with hydrotherapy.
I was expecting an Olympic pool.
Peanut butter spread on the glass kept Min focused forward
She wanted one foot out of the water as the tank was filling.
Left or right, must have one foot out of the water.
Almost full.
Sheridan has Min in position and is keeping her on the treadmill.
Focus on that peanut butter Min!

What a good girl!

Almost done.
Perhaps there is a back door?
Laser heat therapy
Min's exercise in the tank was one minute of walking followed by a break of more than a minute.  That was repeated four times.  The laser therapy was followed by electrical stimulation of the muscles in both of her hips.  We were there for an hour and have three more visits scheduled.  There are also muscle stretching exercises to do at home three times a day.

Quite an experience for all of us but Min was amazingly calm and pretty darn cooperative with what came her way!  (She was a bit cautious about the elevator ride though.)

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