Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Post-op Visit

Min's Place
Yesterday we went for our first check-up after surgery.  Dr. Stephan (I'd like to call him Captain Marvel) was very pleased with her progress and gave us the go-ahead for "real" walks.  Two or three  15 minute walks a day.  Every few days we can add a little time if she can handle it and also some small inclines.  She is not to walk down those inclines however.

Given the heat, we waited until 9pm to give it a go.  The sidewalks need to cool off!  This first time was a little scary because around two blocks seemed like a very long way.  It seemed like she did okay and I am expecting to notice improvement as her muscles build back up.  Also, she will have four sessions of hydrotherapy that will help.
Wearing the Help 'em Up Harness
Her coat is growing back very nicely and amazingly fast.  I think, along with a super power cape, Dr. Stephan needs an award for his needling skills.

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