Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Keeping At It

From left to right: Min, the empty box, the trash bag, a small bag for DI, the paper recycling bucket. and on the table all that remains.  Half of what remains needs to be shredded.  I came across a packet of pictures that I could toss with no regrets, only recognized three local people but most of the box was filled with paper stuff.

It was a box, 18x18x16, filled with stuff from 2008-2009.  Supporting the theory that you must look through every box before tossing it, I did find a packet of unused checks from my current account.  That's timely as I have been debating whether to order some.  They are so seldom needed and yet when you need a check you need it right then.

Most exciting was something I have been looking for, the paperwork for the Honda scooter! Can't donate it without the title, so hooray for that.

Mixed throughout but mostly at the bottom of the box:
I'm trying not to think about why. There was no empty bag.
I did find a dime at the bottom too.

(You're welcome A&T.)

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