Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Nearly The Same

Well, we hit 100 degrees yesterday afternoon at 3:46pm.  Really not a record I'm excited about!  The three of us were not in the backyard at 3:46pm but in the bedroom with the window air conditioner.  It was 72 this morning before 6am and the note on the weather page says "Today is forecast to be nearly the same temperature as yesterday."  Heavy sigh.  Must get things done before the sun really comes up over those mountains.

Here's is what made us bi-peds very happy:
Another winner from Barefeet in the Kitchen!!

{2 Ingredient} Coffee Milkshake Yield: 4 - 6 servings

6 cups (48 ounces) freshly brewed hot coffee
(1) 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk

Stir the condensed milk into the hot coffee. Let the coffee sit until room temperature and then fill two ice trays with the sweetened coffee. Place the trays in the freezer until frozen solid. Pour the remaining coffee mixture into a jar and refrigerate until chilled.

For each milkshake, place 8 sweet coffee ice cubes and 1 cup of the coffee mixture in the blender. Blend until thick. Pour into a glass and serve. The coffee mixture will keep nicely in the refrigerator for several days.

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