Sunday, June 3, 2012

Preston & Child

Actually Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, authors that write singly and also together.  I have enjoyed their books in the past.  Mystery/thrillers, some close to horror, some just creepy, and most with some supernatural element.  The last book of theirs I checked out I did not finish, it was just so embarrassingly and disappointingly trite.

So when I was at the library on Friday and saw a new book of theirs on the shelf, I thought I would give them another chance.  I mean, even Michael Crichton wrote a stinker.

Now I realize that that first disappointing book was most likely titled Gideon's Sword as the one I just finished is titled Gideon's Corpse.  Also trite and predictable but not quite as bad as the first one.

So what's the story(hahaha)?  It seems like more than just dumbing down to reach a wider reading audience.  I think they've gone the way of Robin Cook and John Grisham and are really writing movie scripts and just calling them books.  Saves time, makes more money.

Preston & Child

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