Sunday, June 28, 2015

Around Provo

After an early long walk, we decided to take a photo trip around Provo before the sun rose over the mountains and the heat started cranking up.  Sunday morning means little or no traffic and even less as it was 6:30 am. Because of the early hour, the lighting is sometimes a bit strange.  You will also notice how bad the air looks.

We didn't have to go far to see a change that we watched happening one morning as we walked by.
We saw it being painted and love it!
Then we headed west and north to see and photograph the power station before it is gone.
West side, the front of the building

Looking northwest from the Rec Center

Straight west across Freedom Blvd.

Looking south

Still looking south and behind me is part of a neighborhood that was leveled for the hospital's latest expansion. That will take a post of its own sometime.
The Provo Power offices have moved into the old Sears building.
The view from The Smith's parking lot.
We went further south to check on the new building going up next to the the FrontRunner train station.  It is a fabulous "Jetson's" Retro looking building but I do worry about the miniscule amount of space left for landscaping.
Looking north from the FrontRunner parking lot

Outstanding balconies but a southwest corner...blisteringly hot!
The building on the west side has 3-4 feet of green space.  Not. Nearly. Enough.

Back to University Avenue and what was the KMart.  It sat empty for quite some time and gave an air of desolation to the whole strip mall which is less than 50% full.
Looking east.
These guys are coming into the space, whoever they are.
Heading north up University Ave. we can update the work on the LDS temple.  A lot of landscaping that is making it look so pretty even before the rest of the work is done.

The corner of University and Center St.
And then back to our neighborhood.
New parking lot for the LDS Chapel. A lot of asphalt. 

When the stone wall panels first went up they were not at all attractive, just grey and white.  They must just come that way and then they were washed and perhaps polished just this week.  Much better looking and I am sure there will be some lovely plantings to soften things up a bit as well.

So there you have it.  As unsettling as all this tearing down can be, as my sister said, the building and rebuilding that is going on is a sign of a strengthening economy and we can be happy about that instead of watching things falling into decay.

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