Friday, August 21, 2015

What the Frosted Flakes is going on?

The digital antenna.  We don't care what the cable companies do.
I heard that phrase yesterday on NPR and it made me laugh.  I can't get it out of my head.  I don't remember what they were talking about but it seems appropriate to use it today.

A banner came across the tv while I was watching CBS Sunday Morning. It said that Dish Network would no longer carry KUTV, our local CBS station, as of midnight Saturday.  Bizarre.  I mentioned it to she-who-has-her-finger-on-the-pulse-of-pretty-much-everything and found out that Dish had also dropped Fox at one point.

Last night there was an "ad" announcement indicating that DirectTV is dropping KSL, our local NBC station, as of midnight tonight. 

Years ago I remember reading that whenever something makes no sense at all, it's all about the money.

True again.

*I wrote this on Wednesday, had difficulty getting a picture of the antenna and then went to bed without posting. Busy day yesterday, Thursday, and I forgot about posting again.  I haven't heard on the radio about any rioting in the streets so I looked on KSL online just now and while not on their front page, I did locate this.
Wow.  I'm interested to see who wins this. Probably not the consumer.

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