Friday, May 30, 2014

A Day of Drama

When I sit at the computer, I can see out the back door as well as the three windows facing the back yard.  Since Min has been here I have kept the storm door open so she can come in and out as she pleases and that gives me an even bigger view.
Quails on the roof of the garage are an ongoing event and I enjoy every loud minute of it.  This time it is mom and dad, most often it is just dad.  The other day I could hear him very loudly but couldn't see him anywhere until I took some trash out.  There he was on top of one of my chimneys.

As I was watching the quail through the back door, something caught my eye from the window.
Holy cats, Batman!!  I have never seen this in all the years I have lived here and we sure know what had his attention.  I pointed out the situation to Min and then clapped my hands and scared everyone away.
Ha!  No killer instincts in this dog.

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