Monday, January 20, 2014

MLKjr Day/National Day of Service

One self-binding receiving blanket. I really had hoped to get three done today but perhaps that can be a goal for the week.  Before I left the store, I bought a lot of paired flannel pieces just for this purpose.  I would like to make that pile disappear this winter!

Here is a recipe I made during the blog blackout.  This is one of my favorite recipes ever and of course it is from my favorite new source, Barefeet in the Kitchen.  I love that this is a baked version.  This whole recipe makes way too much for one or two but after you make the meat mixture you can freeze what you don't wrap into rolls  As for the shrimp, I'm not sure a non-shrimp lover would even notice they are in there.  Sheila will vouch for that.

Baked Filipino Lumpia  recipe from Barefeet in the Kitchen
1 lb ground pork
1 can sliced water chestnuts, diced small
1 cup mushrooms, diced small
1/2 lb cooked shrimp, chopped small
1/4 cup green onions, diced
1/3 cup sweet yellow onion, diced
2 large cloves fresh garlic, pressed
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoon soy sauce
2 eggs beaten and set aside in a small cup
Lumpia wrappers  or spring roll wrappers or egg roll wrappers
2 tablespoons oil
Sweet and sour dipping sauce

Combine everything except the eggs, oil and wrappers in a large bowl, and mix together with your hands. After everything is mixed together, cover it and let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour or as much as 24 hours before making the rolls.

Cut wrappers in half to form rectangular strips or in quarters to make bite size rolls.  Carefully peel the wrappers apart and place about a tablespoon of filling on each one. Roll them up into little tubes and seal the edges by dipping a finger into the eggs and then running it along the seam of the wrapper.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place the rolls on a greased metal baking sheet or use parchment paper. Brush the rolls lightly with oil and then place in the oven. Turn the rolls over after 10 minutes cooking and bake about 5 minutes more, or until they are golden brown.  Serve with sweet and sour dipping sauce. 

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