Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Sewing

Christmas/Winter Curtains
I bought this fabric on the after Christmas mark-down shelf.  I couldn't resist and this design in the collection just called out to be curtains!  I admit to buying enough of the rest of the line to make a quilt for my own bed but while the curtains went up after the holiday, I think I can wait for the quilt.  Not like I don't have plenty of other sewing to do.

The curtains were a perfect project for sewing the day after the cataract surgery.  I wanted to see what I could do and curtains are nothing more than pressing and straight line stitching and if the stitching is not quite straight line, well, no one will notice or if they do notice perhaps be kind enough not to mention it.

Amy put up the new rods.  This is the third rod location for these windows and I think I finally have it right.  Even more fun than the rods, she also strung up the lights using lots of wee clear Command hooks.
This picture was taken at night and every night we looked and admired how great those lights look!  They are one long string from Ikea, LED, and a snowflake design.  I will leave them up forever because I can pretend they are flowers in the summer.  Oh, they make me happy!

          Fabric - "It's Christmas" by Jennifer Heymen for In The Beginning fabrics
          Amount used = 6 yards

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