Thursday, August 9, 2012

On the Rocks

...or we could just call this Design Wall Thursday.

I have a lot of the lighter blue that was gifted to me.  If you look closely, you can see that it has roses in it.  I wanted to minimize the roses so I made the block on the lower left.  Way too fiddly and time consuming.

Yesterday, after I had finished all my visiting, I had some sewing time but it was just too hot to work on binding the big quilt or quilting the other big quilt.  So I tried a more simple version of the block.  The roses are more obvious but I like it and it's much faster to cut and sew.  I will alternate the blocks when I put it all together.

I think it is a good plan, binding and quilting in the cooler hours of the day and sewing blocks when it is hot.

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