Friday, July 3, 2015

Fireworks = Hell

Here she is, the little chicken minder, on the 12 week mark from her surgery.  Looking good, walking well and ready for anything I will allow.  Some playtime at Dr. Park's is a yes, the dog park is a let's wait a bit longer.

Imagine my surprise when she started to panic at all the noises the Freedom Festival brings.  She glues herself to me and really wants my hand on her head.  Last night it cooled off some and I actually had windows open.  The house was more pleasant all day even after we had to button up   and turn on the window units.

I gave her a sedative last night and guessed it helped some but the neighborhood fireworks hadn't started up big time like they are already tonight and like they will be even more so tomorrow night.  So tonight I gave her the sedative at 7 thinking it might give her a little more time to relax.  She is more frantic tonight and won't be consoled unless I am holding her (not on my lap, of course.)  I can't give her another pill until 3am and I surely hope we are not awake then.  Starting at 6 tomorrow morning after our walk, she will get one pill every 8 hours.  That should keep her calm and sleepy.

I'll be rolling out a sleeping mat so we can sleep side by side tonight.

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