Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day

I so want to embrace this Canadian holiday but sadly I am still un-boxing.  While I was gone, UPS and USPS left seven (7!) boxes, two of which held furniture and much packing material.  I am hoping to take the four ginormous bags of packing peanuts back to UPS or possibly to my friends in the Novell shipping department.  I will admit to actually putting my tongue on one of those peanuts just to double check in case it was made of corn and would dissolve.  No such luck.  Re-using is at least  something.  Well and my sister's video with her packing peanuts does provide some amusement!

I would like to be at my sewing machine all day today but I must go out and shovel first.  I left my coat in Seattle which means I am waiting for yet another box!  It also means I am shoveling wearing several layers of clothing topped only with sweats.  Heavy sigh.  I know my neighbor will shovel the public sidewalk for me, I think he does it as a trade for my summer duties in his garden.  Still it's my responsibility and maybe the snow will stop long enough for me to go out there and not get soaking wet.  There is an outside possibility that there is a hooded windbreaker in the car but I think I may have tossed it when I cleaned out the car recently.  Another. Heavy. Sigh.

Oh, and the miles of that columnar type of bubble wrap in the top picture?  I cut each air compartment and rolled it all together because that is recyclable.  The roll weighed just over a pound.

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