Thursday, August 6, 2015

What a Great Day!

Thanks for the dead headed seeds, Sherise!  So happy!
Yesterday started off with the new coffee maker and the Spiralizer being delivered before 10am.  The coffee maker is actually a replacement and this time I have noted the date.  The previous Mr. Coffee seemed to have lasted longer than any of the Keurig brand but I do not have documentation on that.  This one is a bit larger but oh boy!, I can choose a 10-oz. "cup".  Woo hoo, you bet I do!.

Then I had lunch with two long-time friends.  (Notice how I tactfully did not say old friends even though we all are of a certain age.)  It was wonderful to share book lists, adventures of all kinds and just generally catch up! Now we have all noted that we must not wait so long to do this again.

A few hours between events, enough time for a quick refresher nap and off to the Springville Museum of Art.  My dear friend Jan asked me to walk through the 42nd Annual Quilt Show with a small group of women from her ward.  I had very little planned except some ice-breaking (for me) comments about Pantone's Annual Color of the Year.

Ha!  I never ran out of words.  I can talk enthusiastically about quilting and fabric forever.  Not claiming any expertise here, just enthusiasm.  There is such a wide spectrum of quilts on display that I think everyone went home learning something new about quilting. I did not bring a camera to post my favorites but I will visit the show at least 2 more times so there will be other opportunities for pictures.

So, the lesson for me is that I can handle two events in one day and not be overwhelmed or crabby that I "double booked" myself.  It was a fabulous day!

Could not find attribution but I identify and it makes me laugh.

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