Friday, August 14, 2015

Thursday Night Sewing

Nothing scary about this guy!
This guy is from a Craftsy class I bought on fusible applique.  I bought it because the class is taught by Wendy Gratz of Shiny Happy World.  I get an email from her every Monday morning and I read it after everything else, saving the best for last.

I am not comfortable with fusible for items that will be used daily because of raveling and the uncertainty of how it holds up in general.  Wendy does a lot of things that I have no experience with such as QAYG (quilt as you go) and so that's what I did on this piece.  I laid the batting down, put the green fabric on top and quilted six curvy lines horizontally. Then I fused down all the pieces of the bear.

The last step is stitching about an eight of an inch from all the edges.  That's a challenge.  I had to adjust a couple of settings and use a foot with an open toe but towards the end I was getting to where I wanted to be.  I hadn't planned to do the qayg but reconsidered because otherwise how will I ever know how that turns out.  This will be a small piece, maybe only three more blocks, so I can do a washing machine test.  I replayed the class last night and discovered I should have used lightweight fusible not featherweight so now I know and will use the correct weight in the other blocks.  That will make an easy comparison block to block.

Pretty fun and I base a lot of that conclusion on not clenching my teeth while doing that top stitching!

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