Monday, June 27, 2016

May Baby Quilt

Still behind schedule but slowly catching up.

The fabric I used in the center of the quilt was new in the last month or so but on a clearance table  for $3.99/yd.  I also used it on the back and for a section of the binding. There is just about a 15-inch square of it left.  The other pieces are from the stash.

When the binding was smoothed out, there was less than an inch overlap to trim off and you can see that I had already added a different piece because there was not enough of the stripe.

Quilt size = 42 x 48
Pattern = Alex Anderson's 3-hour Baby Quilt (3 hrs not including the quilting and binding)
Fabric = 100% cottons, some from stash
Batting = 80/20 Hobbs
Quilting = 2-inch diagonal cross hatching
Sewn for baby Harold, Torey's newest great grandchild.  Harold's grandfather works for NASCAR which made using this fabric so fun.

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