Tuesday, June 24, 2014

No, Not Parts for a Jacuzzi

Actually it's the dog crate.  When Janie was over yesterday I had her keep her eyes on Min while I struggled to get this enormous thing out of the garage.  It was tucked back in the farthest corner because I really didn't think I would use it ever again.

I hosed it down and dragged it to the deck to dry off.  The challenge for today was get it into the house and assembled so I could see if Min would go into it.  If she can't be supervised than she should be crated.  According to her surrender paperwork though she has never been in a crate so it's unlikely that this is the answer but must try anyway.

Turns out the real challenge is to find the bag with the bolts and washers that attach top to bottom.  One would think they might be duct taped to one of the big crate pieces.  Nope.  I'm pretty sure they are in the house in a Small Parts Box somewhere.  As I was checking all small boxes, I did find $35.  Can't say why it was in a box though.

Not such a good day for Min.  She winced out loud when we went outside in the afternoon and she winced out loud when we went back in.  We were outside for three hours and while it was 96, we were in the shade and there was a lovely light breeze.  Still, she was panting a lot.  She ate a good dinner had her 6pm meds and then was back to panting again.  I decided it must be pain.  Got the frozen corn out again and iced her hip and elbow too. Then she seemed to get a little nervous so we went out in case it was a potty break.  I went into the garage to double check on the crate parts.  I came back out and she wasn't were I left her.  She was at the back of the garage and finally, we have POOPS!  And lots of them.  And just like that the panting was also over.  It was a relief for both of us because I was wondering what had happened that she might be in so much pain and I had also been wondering if she was constipated.
 I thought of changing my banner to this because eyes on Min is my full-time job for the next four weeks: I'm not smiling because I was going for a serious look but not a menacing squinty eyed I'm-watching-you look.


Carol said...

So glad Min did her duty...what a relief.
I am keeping both of you in my prayers. What a tough thing to have to go through.

SeeJulieStamp said...

A few years ago I identified Max's poop face. He pants with a smile and glazed eyes. It's very helpful to know things are urgent. :)