Wednesday, February 19, 2014

This Sums It Up

I probably have posted about this before and with a similar picture.  I can't tell you how long it took me to stop thinking about what I could do with the Laughing Cow Cheese container and actually drop it in the recycling bin.  Heavy. Sigh.  Most likely a genetic problem as most of the family has this same obsession with containers to some degree or another. 

However, on a more promising note, this morning I took seven and a half pounds (7.5!) of old calendars to the recycling bin that was already at the curb.  I barely looked through them but did pull out two.  The oldest calendar that I saw in the stack was from 1992.  Twenty two years ago, fps.  I'll admit that I heart Mary Englebreit.  I like to frame calendar pages but honestly there is not a lot of wall space left. 

I do have four calendars currently hanging in the house.  You might think I am worried about how much time I have left compared to how much fabric I have left to sew.  You would be right.

(That's a jar of hardened honey, not bacon fat.)

1 comment:

amy said...

So funny! I laughed and laughed at every single thing. Ha!!