Friday, January 27, 2012

The Hurrier I Go, the Behinder I Get

I had the bottom piece of batik and had to buy a piece to coordinate, fps, but I really like the way this turned out.  Not quite as it should have though because I was in a hurry and did this:
Most of you will notice that these two pieces trimmed from the lining are not the same size.  It's kind of awkward when you are boxing up a bottom and so I moved my ruler to the wrong side of the seam and... oops!  So then I had to re-do the boxing part and ultimately that made it deeper.  Which really was okay since this size bag is called a project bag rather than a gift bag.   Nevertheless, I could hear my mother's voice in my ear commenting on if I wasn't always in such a hurry.  I know some of you are laughing at that because you have seen me cut and sew and I am very much slower than everyone else.

I had some ripping out to do on the casing too but only because I ran out of bobbin in an awkward spot and I thought it  would look better to just do it over.

Of course I had a problem with this little guy too.  I had already made one of these bags and so was screaming along on this one.  Sewed the lining turning opening closed, settled the lining inside the bag and then realized I hadn't boxed the bottom and it was too late to go back and fix it because I already had the casing done.  Grrrh.

Guess I need to make a few more  :-)

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