Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Bright Light Outside the Window

I might have missed the lunar eclipse, well actually forgotten it, except that I could see how bright the moon was through the closed blinds as I was reading!  I took this picture from the deck at about 10pm.

I thought maybe I could doze in my reading chair and keep an eye on the eclipse.  This required sliding down, resting the back of my head on the back of the chair, resting my rear on the edge of the chair and resting my feet on the small step stool.  It was cozy and toasty warm because of the purple electric throw.  Unfortunately, that position was hard to maintain as my back was basically unsupported. 

So I set my phone to ring at 11:15 and went to bed.  Nothing had changed at 11:15 and I reset the phone for 12:15

The small dot might be Mars.  I could see it earlier before the eclipse started and it was higher and to my right in relationship to the moon.

I got up again at 1:15 and this is what it looked like then:

This was the best I could do mostly because of the big tree in the back yard and then I do only have a point and shoot camera.  In real life it was totally awesome.

It was fun and amazing to see how many stars show up in the early morning hours when the city sleeps.  I did take a mis-step off the deck at one shoeless point and had to grab the splintery rail.   Gratefully, no injuries, including but not limited to impaling myself on the metal flamingo lawn art.

Neil would be proud.

There's a cool astronomy link here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We were socked in with high clouds, I'm trying not to be bitter! I was going to text you last night to see if you were able to see it, but I figured it was too late in the evening for texting. I guess I was wrong! Do you remember popping corn and watching an eclipse on Jefferson Square?