Thursday, May 5, 2016

2nd Year Creeping

Flowers and shrubs are blooming in the front yard and while the flowers bloomed last year, the shrubs were still sleeping.  All of the plantings made it through the winter and it's very exciting out there.

I do not know the names of most of these plants.  Columbine, of course, and possibly the shrub with the white flowers is Spirea.  There are also three small purple flowering plants, low to the ground.  They bloomed last year and then when it got blistering hot they died back.  Happy to see them again!

In the first picture you can see that the mulch is a darker brown between the edging strips.  That's new this year.  Initially they laid down darker mulch around the plants and then a medium color everywhere else.  I will refresh around the plants with the dark mulch and then just pull out the edging strips and add a thin layer of additional medium colored bark around the rest of the yard.

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