Sunday, April 19, 2015


 Words I don't want to hear...

"You need to ice up."
- Amy-

Ice pack for eyes with added nose scarf

Monday, April 13, 2015


"...a grandmother with a certain swagger 
that comes from age and experience."
- Morning Edition, re: Hilary, April 13, 2015


I'll begin practicing my swagger immediately.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Second Verse

Same as the first.  Not really of course, this hip replacement has a different set of issues.  Dr. Captain Marvel prescribed a sedative for Min to keep her calm.  There must be bone growth happening so she is confined to her bed except for potty breaks in the backyard.  No exercise until he sees us in four weeks.
It doesn't have to be boring though.  An empty peanut butter jar can be very entertaining.

The Denver Trip

A little late in posting about this, I was actually gone during the last full week of March.
It was a great trip filled to the brim with museums and absolutely fabulous parks for walking.  The parks in the area put ours to shame.  We do have the trails into the canyons/mountains but nothing quite as lovely for walking as those in Terry's area.  We did drive to them but not very far.  Lots of walkers, with strollers or dogs and sometimes both.  Old and young, even at mid morning but it was spring break so maybe perhaps it is only the stroller young other times.

The museums deserve their own post but a couple of other points of interest:
Light rail is coming to the Denver area
 Not sure why they have walking boats but maybe it is a lifeboat saving commuters from freeway stress and gridlock.  Or maybe it just means boatloads of people will find the light rail a lifesaver.
This dispensary was in the same strip mall we had a wonderful dinner of calzones. I had to take a picture.  Dr. Captain Marvel had just been to Colorado too and when I said how funny it was to see the dispensaries he agreed and also thought it was funny to see all the old people laughing and carrying on about it.  Hmm.  I admit to wide eyes and some discussion but I'm really hoping he wasn't including me in "the old people."
Min had a great time too!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Beehive

This bank is almost 20 years old.  The brown "label" says Utah Centennial 1896-1996.  I bought it on the Fourth of July at the craft fair on the county court house lawn which Janet and I tried never to miss.

This bank was maybe only half full but the goal was when the pig was full all the banks would be emptied.


Monday, April 6, 2015

The Pig is FULL!

I couldn't squeeze in one more coin.  Now I will take the remaining two coin banks in for counting and see just how close we are to a new computer.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Stash Update

The stash total remains in the negative, more fabric out than in!  So far this year every week has ended that way.  What is even more amazing is that I am more than half way to my usage goal for the year.  WooHoo!

The baby quilt above was my first quilt appliqued and quilted by hand about 30 years ago.  It was the result of a class I took through the park district.  I had to boost the auto contrast because it is quite washed out.  For the last 9 months it has been on Min's bed.  More washing and dog feet have worn it out to rips and shreds in parts. It will not survive one more washing.  I enjoyed the making process and perhaps Min has enjoyed some comfort.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I love this kind of stuff!  The beginning of the eclipse started at about 4:15 this morning and I did toy with the idea of setting the alarm an hour earlier just to be in on the beginning but decided that our regular 5am would be fine.

Ha.  I must have been subconsciously aware of the time because I woke up at 4:20, laid there a moment deciding if I really wanted to confuse Min and then got up anyway.

31 degrees meant too cold for me to sit outside and watch but I had a perfect view from the window in the backdoor and kept an eye on things that way.  We didn't take our walk until 6:30 and then we had an amazing view because we were walking west.  With just a slight alteration in our regular path, we stood in front of the county court house for several minutes and had a fabulous view looking west in the space between the temple and the downtown buildings. By then the moon was very low and very large. The earth's shadow was impressive.  Had not thought to slip my camera in my pocket.

There's an odd feeling when standing and watching the shadow move.  I began to think about orbits and rotations and thought perhaps I was getting a little dizzy.  Remembered that gravity is our friend in this case and the feeling passed.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Word of the Day

paucity - noun
Per M-W, it means a small amount of something or 
less than the amount of something needed or wanted

In this case, I could say there is a paucity of tulips in the front yard as these are the only three and they are miniatures on top of it all.

But I have been thinking of it lately as it pertains to words.  One of my favorite bloggers took the month of March off and I missed her.  Another one has been redesigning her website since the beginning of the year and today I discovered that she has been using Instagram to touch base periodically.  

I've decided that Instagram, FaceBook, and Twitter (of course!) do not use enough words for me and that is exactly why I avoid them.  There are also more reasons.

What got me started on this train of thought was a piece on the news last night about an "avi" dog.  Now an avi dog sounds like something fun, cute, and perhaps animated, although I did know that they were referring to a real live dog.  Maybe even a shortened version of avitar.  However, if there is an avi dog anywhere around you, it could be that you are in serious danger or even already dead.  An avi dog is an avalanche rescue dog and is trained to find people who are buried.  Avalanche.  Not a good thing and for just a minute I thought perhaps they had shortened the word so someone buried under a ton of snow only had to type three letters to send out a help message.  Eye-rolling, as if you could reach your phone or even have bars.

Done.  Going out to sit on the front steps and smile at those wee tulips.